
The Python library is a single file that can be imported into your project. It is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.


To install the Flux library, simply download the file and place it in your project directory.


To use the Flux library, import the Flux class from the flux module.

from flux import Flux

Initialize Flux

Create a new instance of the Flux class, providing your application ID as a parameter.

flux = Flux("your_application_id")


To authenticate a user, call the authenticate method with the user’s license key and an optional hardware ID.

    flux.authenticate(license, hwid)
except Exception as e:
    print("Authentication failed: ", e.message)

If the authentication is successful, the method will return the string "success". Otherwise, the method will return "failure".

Get Fields

To retrieve a field from the authentication response, use the get_field method, providing the field name and the type of the field.

print("Expires: ", flux.get_field("expiresAt", int))

Get Variables

To retrieve a variable from the server, use the get_variable method, providing the variable name and the type of the variable.

print("Authenticated Variable: ", flux.get_variable("str", str))

Download Variables

To download a variable as a file, use the download_variable method, providing the variable name.

data = flux.download_variable("file")
with open("file.bin", "wb") as out:

This method will return the decrypted data of the file. You can then save it to disk or manipulate it as needed.


from flux import Flux

flux = Flux("your-application-id")
print(flux.get_variable("unauthenticated-variable", str))

license = input("Enter license: ")
    auth = flux.authenticate(license, get_hwid())
except Exception as e:
    print("Error: " + str(e))

print("Expires: " + str(flux.get_field("expiresAt", int)))
print("Authenticated Variable: " + flux.get_variable("secret", str))
data = flux.download_variable("file")
with open("file.bin", "wb") as out: