
These endpoints do not require a secret and are used by the client to authenticate and get variables. These are useful for building your own client side integration or library.


POST /api/v1/{application_id}/authenticate
    "license": "ABC1234567890",
    "hwid": "..."

200 OK
    "success": true,
    "id": 1,
    "expiresAt": 1234567890,
    "token": "..."

The hwid is optional and will be set if not provided

The returned token is used to authenticate the client for retrieving variables, it is valid for 1 hour after authentication

Get a variable

GET /api/v1/{application_id}/variables/{variable}
X-Serial-Token: ...

200 OK
    "value": "some value",

200 OK
    "value": true,

200 OK
<binary data>